Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene Cometh

Cam finished his first week of school. Things seem to be going well, except for the fact that he eats last lunch period, and they ran out of some of the food the first couple of days. He thinks all his teachers are pretty nice and he is looking forward to learning Spanish.

Next week the students come for adult education classes. I'll see my students at 8 am on Monday. I will be in the computer lab and they will be working on various programs.

Cam and I went to the beach about 4 pm. I posted some pictures and videos on FB. There were some crazy surfers, swimmers, and of course, those of just on the beach and taking pictures. The waves were crazy.

We are supposed to get the worst of the storm between midnight and 8 a.m. (when Irene goes by about 200 miles out) with the rain tapering off by noon time. It's actually supposed to be sunny and 90 degrees on Sunday. Right now it's 6:40 pm and it's really not doing too much out there--light rain. There was heavier rain about 5 pm. It's a little windy but there are occasional gusts. Just hope we don't lose electricity. You know I can't live without my computer.

I'll let you know how the night went.


  1. Thinking of you and your family! Hope all goes well and the worst is over.


  2. Thanks Robin. We fared pretty well, some big branches down and a lot of yard work to do. I don't think Irene will be so nice to the states north of us. Jane
