Friday, December 9, 2011

On Any Given Day

It's been very interesting to see the changes in weather as we go along. Two days ago a cold front moved in and the temps dropped 30 degrees.

But what is really interesting is looking to see how people are dressed on any given day.

For example, last week when the temp was 68-70 during the day. Temps do drop rapidly once the sun starts going down. But during the day, it was hot if you were in the sun.

So, if you stood in front of the Target (or any other store) and watched the people as they entered, you could not tell the temp from what they were wearing. Here is what you might see as people entered the store.

  • shorts and t-shirt
  • shorts and sweatshirt
  • jeans and t-shirt
  • jeans and sweatshirt
  • jeans and sweatshirt and coat
  • jeans and coat
  • capris
  • sandals
  • boots (some fur-lined)
Even now that the day-time temp has dropped to 50's, you still see the same thing. My computer lab has a window that faces the ball parks and football field for MB High School and someone walked by today in shorts and jacket.

As far as me...I was still wearing capris to work last week. This week I had on all long pants and even broke out a sweater yesterday. Every day I watch the weather report and listen for the temps so I know how to dress. Layers are definitely good for the cold in the morning, warm in the afternoon situations. Definitely not like PA where all "summer" clothes are packed away once the cold weather arrives.

At any rate, it's a free for all as far as dressing/clothing .....on any given day in MB SC.